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Superintendent's Welcome

Rob Turner
Superintendent, Williams County School District 8


Welcome to Williams County School District #8’s website!  We are working hard to make it a valuable resource that parents, students and community members find informative, easy to navigate, and reference often.


Though we have a relatively small student population, geographically speaking, Williams County School District #8 is one of the largest rural school districts in the state.  Serving a district of this size presents issues and concerns that more urban districts are less likely to encounter.  In spite of these challenges, we are extremely proud of our rural school climate and believe strongly that we excel with regard to our enthusiasm, individualized attention, and academic and social climate.  Class sizes in Williams County School District #8 have been traditionally smaller than average.  In spite of the increase in student population, we hope to continue that tradition. 

Williams County School District #8 is completely committed to our community.  We feel confident that we are building a family of administrators, teachers and support staff who are motivated to provide the best education possible.  With a focus on effective and efficient instruction, we are continually researching the best practices in education and adopting strategies and programs that will maximize student achievement.  Authentic literacy, progress monitoring, and strategies for utilizing data to drive instruction are just a few of our concentrated goals.  We are excited and confident that these efforts will pay huge dividends in the way of student success. 


Administration and staff at Williams County School District #8 understand that parent involvement is vitally important to the success of individual students.  We also know that that truly effective education is a team effort.  We strongly encourage involvement in your child’s education and welcome your support throughout the year.  You are invited to come into the schools at any time with questions, concerns, and to celebrate your child’s successes with us.  Please contact the schools with questions on how to volunteer in your child’s classroom or school.  We look forward to working with you and are confident that with a collective effort, high quality education will result.       




Rob Turner


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